Sunday, March 22, 2015

Types of Criminals 03/22/15

In this post, I want to explore the realm of criminals. It is found that there are many different types of criminals that all commit different crimes. However, criminals do not stick to one type of offense, rather, they engage in a wide variety of crimes. Furthermore, criminals are categorized by the frequency of offenses. Another category that is used to distinguish criminals is age. "The age-crime curve is one of the most robust and important findings in criminology. It suggests that a great deal of crime is associated with developmental changes and social experiences specific to adolescence." Research suggests that as adolescents age and begin to mature, they start to stray away from committing crimes or getting involved with the law. Although studies and researchers categorize these individuals by what offenses they committed, age, and frequency, society in general still just labels them as "criminals". There may be types of criminals and criminals may be put in certain groups based on similar methods of procedure, but "no two will be actuated by absolutely the same motives, and no two will have come by motives to act in exactly the same way". Obviously, criminals that are caught have to do the time, but how is the time/ duration determined? How are prisons organized? (how are cell mates determined? What are their daily schedules? Are the more dangerous criminals separated from individuals that have committed low level crimes and are only imprisoned for a short amount of time?) 

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